Wednesday, January 5

In the morning the ship sailed up the Gerlache Straight towards Orne Harbour. We did a zodiac tour where we saw some humpback whales and some fantastic ice formations. Back on board about a third of the passengers did the "Polar Plunge" where you jump in the icy water for a couple of seconds. It was good fun, and really cold! We ended up doing it twice since we'd had some camera issues the first time, a couple of people did it three times!

          • Humpback Whales

                After lunch we were treated to some humpback whales swimming right up to the boat. It was a mother and her calf and they stayed with us for about half an hour.

                                For the afternoon the captain headed to Dallman Bay. The weather was sunny and completely still, which made for a fantastic scene. There were seals on lots of the ice floes, their fur glimmering in the sunlight. We pushed through some pack ice into the glassy waters beyond. What a fantastic way to end our last day in Antarctica!